Yarn Bombing Athens, GA

Yarn Bombing Athens GA [/caption]Those of us who frequent Athens’ East Side may have noticed a few colorful additions to our regular scenery. Whether you’re picking up groceries at Publix, snagging a quick meal at the Blind Pig Tavern, or just pulling in to get some gas, if you’re paying attention, you may see a new form of street art.

Yarn graffiti, kniffiti, yarn storming, guerrilla knitting, urban knitting, and yarn bombing are all terms used to identify the use of knitted or crocheted fabrics to cover public spaces and objects. This style of street art is believed to have originated in Texas when some local knitters were looking for a project that would utilize their leftover scraps and bits of yarn. When a small amount of yarn is leftover from a previous project it can be quickly made into a small rectangle or swatch and combined with other swatches made from different yarn.

Knit Bombing Athens GA [/caption]This results in a colorful, graphic color blocking effect that is nothing if not eye catching...particularly when it covers an entire tree trunk, bench or phone booth. Wherever it originated, yarn bombing has since gone worldwide and can now be found in our own backyard!Yarn bombing is still technically illegal in some places, but is often seen in a much more welcoming light than typical paint-based graffiti. Unlike spray paint, the yarn can be easily removed if needed, though if left alone it can last quite a long time out in the elements. Objects that are frequently targeted are either abandoned or centrally located in public spaces.

Yarn Bombing Athens GA [/caption]Trees, statues, and benches are often bombed, though in Athens the artist (or artists) have focused on objects that you would not notice before, such as out of commission phone booths at local gas stations. Responses to the yarn bombing have generally been positive thanks to the creator’s choices of objects. The art is non obtrusive and does not interfere with daily life. The artists responsible for the yarn bombing have wished to stay anonymous so far, but new examples are still popping up around the East Side.