The Origin of Tassels

The origin of graduation tassels [/caption]Graduation, whether it be from high school or college, is marked by several long-standing traditions. Some of these vary depending on the school, but no ceremony would be complete without one small touch: tassels.The proud moment after you have walked to receive your diploma and move your tassel from the right side of your cap to the left represents the transition from student to graduate. Tassels are treasured trophies that many people choose to frame and display alongside their diplomas. Here at the frame shop we have plenty of experience in displaying tassels.

Framing your tassel with your diploma [/caption]We even offer several special frames specifically designed to accommodate the UGA tassels. We take the time to build them up by hand with layers of foamcore so that the tassel fits perfectly into frames that are the perfect depth. However, with all of the care that is often taken to properly display a tassel, few people stop to wonder where the traditional graduation tassel started. In fact, though they have become a symbol of graduation, their use only became widespread within the last century or so, though cords have been used to represent levels and areas of education since the 14th century.Tassels originated simply as fashionable adornments for clothing and furniture. Many were made of fine silks and vibrant colors. The materials were often costly.
Because of their flashy nature, tassels quickly became associated with ceremony and high status. The wealthy and influential of the time began adding them to their wardrobes to distinguish themselves at important parties and events.
It is this very association with "occasion" that lead to the original use of tassels during graduation. At first purely decorative, they soon became a symbol of achievement and a strongly recognized tradition.

One of our hand-crafted UGA diploma frame with tassel holder [/caption]They began to diversify to represent school colors, special honors, or certain areas of study. No one is certain when or why the tradition of moving the tassel from one side the other began, but it is certainly a proud moment for any graduate. Tassels are now cemented into the graduation tradition and serve as proud mementos of a grand achievement.