Problem Solving

Fitting art to a room [/caption]It is no secret that there is never just one solution for framing a piece of art. There are several combinations of mats, frames, fillets, etc that can work well with a piece and appeal to different tastes. It is a certainty that three customers could bring the same piece into the shop and wind up with three different yet equally successful looks. Of course the main goal in framing is to benefit the artwork visually. However, there are often other factors to consider when framing. Environment is an important thing to think about in some cases. Where will the art be hung?

Selecting the right mat and frame to transition artwork to its environment. [/caption] Does the art itself merge well with the space or will it need some creative solutions to help bridge the gaps? An eclectic home that already marries several styles together may not require as much forethought in terms of environment, but this is not always the case.What happens when a piece of art is going into a space with a very different style from the art itself? In this case, choosing neutrals can be the way to go. Neutrals may not make the boldest statement, but they can serve as a bridge between the artwork and the style of the room while still providing an attractive look.

The neutral mat works well to transition this piece the its open environment. [/caption]On the other hand, sometimes the colors in the artwork are almost too “matchy matchy” for the space, and if the work is framed to simply match the room the art can easily fade into the background. Similarly it can be troublesome to have a work of art with colors that seem to oppose the color scheme of a room. In these instances it can be wise to consider avoiding matching colors in the art and instead finding a common ground. If both the work and the room have warm color schemes, choosing a warm white can blend the two together without adding more color. A warm wood tone or gold frame could also be beneficial.Mats offer a lot of possibilities for creating solutions in these situations, but frames have a lot to offer as well. Simply having the option to stack two frames together provides endless opportunities to merge the style of a room with the style of the painting. Another common issue occurs when a customer falls in love with a piece of art that, once framed, may appear too imposing on the wall space available. In this case, a piece that may usually be framed with a wide frame may work well with a narrower profile that trades width for depth. A large canvas could be framed in a deep floater frame to provide visual and structural support without the wide frame.

Modern Interior [/caption]On the flip side, when a piece is too small for a space, wide mat widths can create a dynamic look. To prevent the art from being overwhelmed, a double mat with a fillet between the two could be used to break up the space. A wider molding may also be a good option.Of course, framing is performing its best when it enhances the artwork, but remembering these tips can allow the framing to benefit the art while acknowledging that it also has to fit into our homes and aesthetics!