Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
Apart from their obvious function (reflecting your beautiful faces), mirrors are a great decorating tool. They add light and dimension to a small room and can seemingly double your space. Mirrors don’t need to be confined to your bathroom or bedroom – they can become a great focal point in any room. They come in all different shapes and sizes – so have fun with them! And the best part, in my opinion, is that you have more freedom when choosing a frame because you only need to compliment the room, not the art and the room.

A simple black frame accents a modern living room and an ornate gold frame can compliment a more traditional dining room. A big oversize mirror can be a great statement piece in a bedroom (as well as helping you dress in the morning). I like grouping small mirrors together to offer an interesting light and depth to a hallway. But, be careful where you place a mirror – you don’t want to create an undesired reflection. Flowers, windows (with a vista), fireplaces, bookshelves, and art are all great things to reflect.
To get started decorating with mirrors,
visit our mirror section on our homepage.
Happy reflecting!
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