Featured Artist: Whitney Salie

Growing up, we all knew “that artsy kid”. You know the one. They were always making things, doodling and creating. Maybe you were the artsy kid. That’s certainly how Whitney Salie describes herself growing up in North Carolina. She always just liked to “make stuff” and, thankfully, never grew out of it! She pursued a career in art education and continued making her own art.
What began as a childhood drive towards creativity has blossomed (pun intended) into a beautiful and unique way of working with paper. Historically a painter, Whitney now uses her skills and eye for detail to create paper replicas of flowers and bouquets. These incredibly detailed paper sculptures are often pieces for remembrance; bridal and anniversary bouquets are perfect examples.
Whitney is inspired by the variety found in flowers and by her customers. Her art is sentimental in nature because it revolves around the people she is creating for. Whitney says she “thrives on having that special reason outside myself to create.” and that she “loves the beauty of the subject and the heart connection for the recipient.”
Whitney’s process takes time; she wants to get the details just right.
“I spend a lot of time studying the flower form and petals. No two flowers are the same or hold the same position. I love solving the puzzle of turning paper into a life-like form. I further incorporate my love of detail by adding a bit of colored pencil or pastel to the paper flowers.”
You can see more of Whitney’s work at WhitneySalie.com and on Instagram @whitneysalie. You can also email her at w.s.foreverbouquet.com for information on ordering your own custom flowers.